Exploring Alpine.js

Exploring Alpine.js

Learn how to use Alpine.js through a series of detailed video courses.

Videos are currently in development and will be released before the end of 2023.

If you prepurchase you will be able to influence the order that videos are produced and get advice on your own Alpine.js projects.

1. Intro and Pitfalls (Eiger)


Includes simple project setup., a discussion of array reactivity, and details on how to leverage native events in Alpine.js

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2. Code Organization and Communication (Jungfrau)


Learn how to extract code to external files, pass data between components, and leverage the cascading scope.

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3. Using External Data (Zugspitze)


Loading data from an external source including chunking and caching. Then using pagination and load more button as well as sorting and filtering to manage how it is displayed.

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4. Animation and Intersection (Mont Blanc)


Intersection and scrolling triggers with a focus on animating an item when it enters the viewport and hiding and showing a header. We'll also look at controlling a Lottie animation.

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5. Real World Components (Matterhorn)


We will look at six different real-world components: Scoring on a Curve, (Fun With) Statistics, Annotating Images, Avoiding Underlap, Dynamic Datacards, and Image Marquee.

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